miercuri, februarie 29

Interviu Petocuri.ro: Mic dejun de Bucuresti

Povesteste-ne despre tine. Cine este Mihaela Pascu si cum a pornit proiectul Mic dejun de Bucuresti?

Nu stiu niciodata ce sa raspund la intrebarea cine este Mihaela Pascu. Pot sa spun doar ca e vegetariana de trei ani, ca si-a facut blogul Mic dejun de Bucuresti si ca ii place sa organizeze evenimente si sa aduca oameni laolalta. Proiectul a pornit din inspiratia pe care cred ca le-am oferit-o si eu altora mai tarziu. Simply Breakfast, faimosul blog newyorkez, e de vina. Si pasiunea mea pentru dulciuri, evident. Dulciuri pregatite in casa, sa fim intelesi.

Care sunt secretele unui mic dejun sanatos si reusit?

In primul rand, "marele" secret nu are legatura cu mancarea, ci cu ora: daca vrei un mic dejun sanatos si reusit, trezeste-te devreme. Dupa ce ani de-a randul nu mancam dimineata, spunand ca "eu efectiv nu pot sa mananc dimineata, e prea devreme", am ajuns nu numai sa nu sar peste niciun mic dejun, dar sa mananc cu cea mai mare placere la 7 dimineata.

Traim intr-o epoca a vitezei, in care o necesitate placuta si sanatoasa precum micul dejun a devenit aproape un moft. Cum ai convinge pe cineva cu un program zilnic agitat si incarcat sa ia micul dejun in fiecare dimineata?
E ceva minunat in a-ti incepe ziua astfel. Te binedispune si, pe termen lung, prima masa a zilei te scapa de multe probleme pe care noi le asociem cu stressul sau cu oboseala. N-as spune ca e moft. Cred ca trebuie sa ne straduim doar foarte putin ca sa ne facem timp pentru asa ceva. Este mult prea important ca sa consideram micul dejun un lux. Daca nici pentru asta nu mai avem timp, spre ce ne grabim?

Full interview featured on Petocuri.ro.

vineri, februarie 24

Ta-daa! Mic dejun de Bucuresti # 2! Told you I have a suprise!

Participants lists are still open since we are waiting for some confirmations. If you're a food blogger and your goodies are incredibly tasty and good looking, leave a comment and I'll get back to you.

joi, februarie 23

New arrival: Baby lemon tree made my day

I have no idea if there is such a thing as baby lemon tree. All I know is how happy I got this morning when I saw that three new little plants made their way in the pot where I had planted lemon seeds many weeks ago. I've been waiting and waiting and going around it every day, just hoping to see a sign of life. And almost 4 weeks later, there they were!

It may sound silly to get so excited over something like this, but I believe that only someone who plants flowers and trees can understand the joy of seeing how a plant grows. So now there are three baby lemon trees in one pot. That means extra care and separating them in different pots after they grow a bit more. And since IKEA trip is scheduled for this weekend, the timing is perfect!

Yes, I hope with all my heart that my lemon trees will look like that one day. I intend to keep two of them. Ah, the joy!

I have a suprise for all of you, details very, very soon! Today or tomorrow!

sâmbătă, februarie 18

Posting before tea

I had to give up coffee for a while so now I am writing before coffee and before tea. A post before coffee is never accurate enough. I have a big surprise for all of you although I secretly wish for the day when I could say that I have a major surprise. I just typed "suprise" two times without noticing the missing letter. Yes, someone needs to actually wake up, like I was just saying.

The surprise will soon be revealed. Until then, scrambled eggs while looking at kitchen offers. The joy of flipping through furniture catalogs!

sâmbătă, februarie 11

There has to come that spring soon

I don't know how you feel about this winter but for me waking up every morning and making sure I don't slip on ice and break a leg while going to work made me incredibly tired. Weekend breakfast really are like a breath of fresh air or a glimpse of spring. They're that sweet remedy for being very tired on night before. I planted rosemary a while ago and now there's already a sign of life in one of the pots. Another one's getting ready to blossom. See? Lots of sign that spring's on its way. I know what you're thinking, I do see all that snow outside, but what better way to endure yet another week of adventurous hikes to my workplace but fooling oneself's?

joi, februarie 9

A Chocolate Story: Zazou.ro

I don't even remember how I found this website called Zazou.ro. Was I searching for chocolate recipes? Was it a random meeting? Was it the sweet smell of chocolate? Was it this video which they shared on their blog together with a great series of interviews (chocolate related, yeah!)?

The Self-Taught Chocolatiers: NuNu Chocolates from SkeeterNYC on Vimeo.

I have no idea because my memory is not that great. I know broccoli is good for memory. I wonder if chocolate has the same effect. Ah, who cares about memory when you have instant happiness?!

Just watching this video made me once again want to buy some more chocolate on my way home but of course I am rather picky when it comes about it. I tend to like the simple one, I don't like fruits in it, I don't like the mint flavour. I do like, however, the green tea dark chocolate, the chilli chocolate, the almond chocolate (or other sorts of nuts involved).

This sort of business is well, risky business. I mean, it's the ideal business. But I would most definitely get diabetes. I don't believe in what they say about actually getting sick of cakes when you work in a pastry shop. Why? There is no such thing as getting sick of chocolate. This sentence, from my point of view, just hasn't been invented yet.

But look at me, rambling about chocolate when all I wanted to tell you about was Zazou! Check it out, chocolate fans all over Romania (sadly for foreign reader, it's written in Romanian, but they are doing an amazing job while writing about chocolate).

I wonder if this article needs any more tagging. I mean it already has all the chocolate it needs.

I would say "Cheers!", but I just thought of a better word.


duminică, februarie 5

Long story cut short: Spanish tortilla won over banana bread

This week I asked people what would they rather have for breakfast: Spanish tortilla or banana bread? Needless to say, they voted for the tortilla, while my craving for banana bread remained unfulfilled. However, friends enjoyed it and this darling one here even said that she could easily became a vegetarian if she keeps on serving my veggie dishes.

While the first dear friend above is a model, the next dear friend holding the plate is a DJ. I linked them both and I recommend you their pages as well. 

I love it so much to cook in the weekend. There is no hurry, no stress about the next working day, just plenty of time for enjoying meals with friends. Later on we made soup, but that was already for lunch so Spanish tortilla was the right choice.

I will always also deeply love this way of understanding a rather different meaning of comfort food. While cooked with love (and cooking with love is far from being a cliche), the end result might really soothe your state of mind. It didn't happen just once that after tasting the best soup in the world (it just happens to name like these all the soups that I make :p) to feel much better and see the world in much brighter colors. Thus, I would recommend anyone to cook a delicious food instead of barging into some who knows what artificial foods which although tastes good, has no positive effect on our body and mind. 

Just looking at these photos and listening to perfect afternoon music make me appreciate once again the wonders I can identify in every day's life. Because great, beautiful things happen every day. Have a good Sunday!